About The Books

During the past 37 years, St. John’s businessman Bruce Templeton has devoted the month of December to visiting children and assisting Santa Claus. At school parties, country clubs, or in the critical-care unit of hospitals, young people ask him profound questions about Santa Claus and the true meaning of Christmas. Templeton has collected hundreds of stories and questions during more than 1000 visits – some of them curious, some happy, and some heartbreaking.

In his memoirs covering four decades he shares some of the most unforgettable questions. The author always tries to bring hope and joy through his visits, but he often finds it is the children who change his life and the lives of those who assist him on these extraordinary journeys. For readers who enjoyed the bestselling Tuesdays With Morrie and Everything I Need To Know, I Learned from a Children’s Book, Bruce Templeton’s memoirs will fill them with enough inspiration and joy to last an entire year.

Available Titles:

In Search of St. Nicholas (NEW RELEASE! – Out October 2019)
Twenty Four Teddy Bears: A Christmas Journey (September 2016)
The Man With the White Beard (September 2014)
The Man in the Red Suit (September 2012)

1 Comment

One thought on “About The Books

  1. Linda Ryan

    Mr. Templeton,

    I feel compelled to tell you how “The Man In the Red Suit” has impacted me. I was up until nearly 4:00 am recently reading your captivating story. I would have finished reading it much sooner in the evening only I would first read a paragraph or two, and then re-read those same paragraphs aloud to my husband, each time with the announcement, “Honey, you’ve got to hear this!” I admit that I cried at many of the touching moments throughout the book, so much that my eyes were swollen the next morning and I was forced to wear my sunglasses on an otherwise overcast day. Even my husband, to whom I insisted on reading much of nearly every chapter, tried very hard several times to choke back the tears, but he finally gave in to his feelings at the touching account of the little boy who desperately wanted Santa to take him to live with him back to the North Pole…

    It might be presumptuous of me, Mr. Templeton, but I would say that you’ve done a very good job of life! I am thrilled to be able to give this book to many of the people on my Christmas list this year. The message is beautiful, heartfelt and significant. Those of us who have so much to be thankful for need to be reminded every now and then of the importance – and the joy – of giving back and caring, not only at Christmastime but every day of the year. I will always treasure my read of “The Man In the Red Suit”. Thank you for the precious gift of taking me along on your amazing and magical journey! I have always been, and thanks to “The Man in the Red Suit” will continue to be, a believer! Merry Christmas and peace to you always!


    Linda Ryan :-)))


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